Why are spas so appealing to people? It is because spas create an atmosphere where you are able to relax and forget about your daily problems. People crave such an environment and that is why many of them pay good money to be able to experience it for only a couple hours, at most. However you can create a spa atmosphere in your own home just by picking out a few key pieces of furniture and doing a little redecorating.

How to Create a Home Spa Using Teak Wood Bath Decor

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The number one thing in creating a home spa is making sure that the room is clean and clutter free. Clutter prevents you from having a truly relaxing experience, your mind is unable to be at peace. Once your room is clean and organized you are well on your way to your very own home spa.

Next thing is choosing the right furniture and accessories. If you go …

What to Look For in Shopping For Eco-Friendly Furniture

There are many claims from furniture manufacturers and retailers about the furniture on display at their showroom or website-about durability, comfort, value, and even about environmental friendliness or “green” qualities.

What to Look For in Shopping For Eco-Friendly Furniture

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Some considerations to think about when shopping for eco-friendly furniture, discussed here, will help you qualify what the terms really mean and what things are important and which are “puffery”.

Furniture and furnishings are the third largest user of wood and wood products, after building and paper, and there is a high transport cost of wood. So, if imported (from Asia especially), wood products will have a high “carbon footprint” for furniture sold in the US. However, there are some choices that you can make as a consumer, and a big one is the source of the lumber used.

In wood furniture and in the wood frames of upholstered furniture-there are two certifying organizations that the manufacturer will …