5 Tips to Endure Slow Times in Online Retail
5 Tips to Endure Slow Times in Online Retail

We are all facing a difficult time and that also is true of every one of the 1000s of small businesses that rely on online sales. It’s important that through these slow times you might be being bold in the competition. Here are five tips that can help you survive and reach your goals in a time of recession.


Boost your Pay-Per-Click marketing efforts in the event you haven’t already done this. Sure, many online stores are minimizing some marketing and reducing keyword bids for better ROI but this is the time to further improve your positions, increase website traffic, and generate sales.


Organic traffic equals free clicks. Although SEO is just not cheap the slightest bit, it’s a great long-term investment because the economy recovers.


There is just not a much better time than the other times to develop your …

5 Simple Tips to Get the Best Prices Shopping Online
5 Simple Tips to Get the Best Prices Shopping Online

It’s easy to become overwhelmed these days with all the copious numbers of sites available selling many in online shops. If you have a specific product planned, be sure to take into mind some of these ideas to be certain that you’re “actually” getting the best price:

1) Google around first:

This may seem obvious, but quite often people will simply go to the primary site of their favorite brand, and buy straight from their online shop. Big mistake. A simple Google search will more than likely yield results far less expensive than buying straight from the retailer.

2) Take postage fees under consideration:

As this is particularly true for large items, be sure to take the expense of keeping the goods sent to yourself on the top of initially listed base product price. What appears to be a great deal might end up costing you over buying from an …