How To Recycle Plastic Waste At Home

It can be hard to know what to do with plastic waste. It’s everywhere, but it’s not always easy to recycle it. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to reuse or repurpose old plastic containers and bags so you don’t have to throw them away!

Recycle your plastic containers.

Plastic containers can be recycled. Look for the triangle with the number 1, 2 or 5 on it. Recycle your plastic containers by putting them in the blue bin.

If you have any other questions about recycling at home, please visit or call 3-1-1 (311).

Turn old plastic containers into something useful.

When you’re done with your plastic containers, don’t just throw them out! There are many ways to reuse old plastic containers for storage, crafts and more.

  • Use them as food storage containers in the kitchen. You can store leftovers or fresh produce in these. They’re also great for

Building For The Future

The green building movement is growing steadily. Energy efficiency and sustainability are top priorities for commercial buildings. The biggest hurdle for green buildings is cost. Green buildings save money in the long run. Green building initiatives are becoming more widespread. The weather can be a challenge for green buildings. Climate change will make indoor air quality more important than ever.

The green building movement is growing steadily.

The green building movement is growing steadily, and there are many reasons to be a part of it. Green buildings are more energy efficient, use less water, are healthier for occupants and better for the environment. They also have a positive impact on our local economy – creating jobs and stimulating growth in communities across Canada. Green construction practices can help us meet our commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.

Energy efficiency and sustainability are top priorities for commercial

10 Ideas For Eco-Friendly Products

Most of us know that it’s important to be eco-friendly, but sometimes we’re not sure how. Here are some simple ways you can use your shopping dollar to make the world a better place:

Reusable Water Bottle

A reusable water bottle is a great alternative to plastic water bottles. They’re easy to use and easy to clean, come in all shapes and sizes, some are insulated, and others can be used for other liquids besides water.

The Eco Vessel Wide Mouth is a popular choice on Amazon because it’s lightweight (less than 7 oz.), but still durable enough for everyday use. It also has an ergonomic design that makes it comfortable in your hand while you’re walking around town or hiking through nature’s playgrounds!

Biodegradable Cutlery

  • Disposable cutlery is bad for the environment.
  • Biodegradable cutlery is a better alternative.
  • How to dispose of biodegradable cutlery: throw it in the compost

How To Build A Traditional Dining Table

Building a dining table is a lot easier than it looks. With the right tools and materials, you can create your own beautiful, sturdy wood table to last for generations.

How to build a traditional dining table

To build a traditional dining table, you’ll need:

  • A circular saw for cutting leg parts. This can be rented from a hardware store or home improvement center.
  • A miter saw for cutting the tabletop and dowels. This also can be rented from a hardware store or home improvement center.
  • Drills (and bits) for drilling holes in wood pieces so that screws can be driven into them when attaching them together; one drill bit should work for all of these holes unless otherwise specified below.*

A table saw is used to cut dowels into two different sizes: 1-1/2″ long pieces equal to half the length of each leg plus 1/4″ extra; and 2″ long …