When Workplace Bullying Is a Feature, Not a Bug

Bullying has become very common in contemporary workplaces. While commonly viewed as a disruptive and harmful element, what if bullying is more than just an unfortunate byproduct of organizational dynamics?The overuse and abuse of noncompete agreements has forced state governments have had to step in.  Sometimes, bullying is not just a bug but a trait built in. This article will discuss the unsettling real aspect of corporate culture, deliberately or inadvertently cultivated by leadership.

When Workplace Bullying Is a Feature, Not a Bug

Using workers as goods

A lot of people abuse and overuse noncompete clauses in job contracts. Some state governments have had to step in to stop it. The widespread use of non-compete agreements in many areas locks workers into harmful environments. They also lower their wages because they can’t find better work elsewhere. Abuse of non-disclosure agreements is even worse. These papers, commonly known as the …

List Of Eco Friendly Clothing Materials

When it comes to buying clothing, many people focus on how the item will look or fit. However, there are other factors that are just as important: sustainability and the environment. This is why we’ve created this list of eco friendly clothing materials and fabrics. We hope that you find it useful when shopping for clothes!


Wool is a natural fiber that is biodegradable and can be recycled. Wool is an eco friendly material because it doesn’t require chemicals to grow and has a low impact on the environment. It’s also sustainable, renewable and biodegradable.

Wool comes from sheep who are shorn every year so they don’t need any extra food or water to grow their wool coats. When you buy wool clothing, you’re not only buying something fashionable; but you’re also helping support farmers around the world!

Organic Cotton

Organic cotton is grown without pesticides, so it’s good …

10 Ideas For Eco-Friendly Products

Most of us know that it’s important to be eco-friendly, but sometimes we’re not sure how. Here are some simple ways you can use your shopping dollar to make the world a better place:

Reusable Water Bottle

A reusable water bottle is a great alternative to plastic water bottles. They’re easy to use and easy to clean, come in all shapes and sizes, some are insulated, and others can be used for other liquids besides water.

The Eco Vessel Wide Mouth is a popular choice on Amazon because it’s lightweight (less than 7 oz.), but still durable enough for everyday use. It also has an ergonomic design that makes it comfortable in your hand while you’re walking around town or hiking through nature’s playgrounds!

Biodegradable Cutlery

  • Disposable cutlery is bad for the environment.
  • Biodegradable cutlery is a better alternative.
  • How to dispose of biodegradable cutlery: throw it in the compost

How To Make Organic Homemade Bathroom Cleaner

Bathroom cleaner is one of the most basic and useful household items, but it can also be expensive. Luckily, you can make your own homemade bathroom cleaner that works as well and is much cheaper than store bought cleaners. All you need is two common household ingredients: baking soda and vinegar. Baking soda has many uses around the house, from cleaning to deodorizing; it’s also a mild abrasive agent that will help scrub away stuck-on stains on surfaces like sinks or bathtubs. Vinegar dissolves mineral deposits left behind by hard water while also disinfecting surfaces such as tile floors or countertops

Mix together 1/2 cup of baking soda, 2 cups of vinegar and 10 drops of your preferred essential oil.

You will need:

  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 2 cups vinegar
  • 10 drops of your preferred essential oil (lavender is good for relaxation, citrus is great for uplifting)

Pour into a

A Guide To Ethical Fashion

The fashion industry has come under fire in recent years for its treatment of workers, the environment, and animals. But it’s easy to be an ethical shopper: just choose clothes that fit your style and meet your needs without sacrificing those of others.

Ethical fashion isn’t just about the clothes you wear.

Ethical fashion isn’t just about the clothes you wear. It’s also about how they are made, who makes them, and what they are made of. Ethical fashion can also be considered an ethical lifestyle choice.

In addition to caring for animals and the environment, ethical fashion involves treating yourself and others with respect and kindness in all aspects of life–from relationships with friends and family members to how you treat yourself internally (e.g., eating healthy food).

It’s easy to be an ethical shopper.

It’s easy to be an ethical shopper. For example, if you want to buy second …