When Workplace Bullying Is a Feature, Not a Bug

Bullying has become very common in contemporary workplaces. While commonly viewed as a disruptive and harmful element, what if bullying is more than just an unfortunate byproduct of organizational dynamics?The overuse and abuse of noncompete agreements has forced state governments have had to step in.  Sometimes, bullying is not just a bug but a trait built in. This article will discuss the unsettling real aspect of corporate culture, deliberately or inadvertently cultivated by leadership.

When Workplace Bullying Is a Feature, Not a Bug

Using workers as goods

A lot of people abuse and overuse noncompete clauses in job contracts. Some state governments have had to step in to stop it. The widespread use of non-compete agreements in many areas locks workers into harmful environments. They also lower their wages because they can’t find better work elsewhere. Abuse of non-disclosure agreements is even worse. These papers, commonly known as the …