Beware of Green Products That Aren’t Really Green

Like a growing number of the world’s population I hold to the belief that protection of the environment is of the utmost importance; and that the new role for our political leaders is to work with each other to solve the pressing problems of climate change, impending food and water shortages, and the on-going pollution of the planet. It is becoming more and more obvious to more and more people that the ideological clash between left and right, conservative and liberal, radical and moderate is only of secondary importance to green issues.

Beware of Green Products That Aren't Really Green

Quite simply put, without a world there is no politics, injustice or capitalism. Think of that recent movie ‘The Road.’ Once eco-armageddon hits all of society and its mores collapse. Humans degenerate into cannibals.

I expect that I’m largely preaching to the converted but I needed to state my position so I can introduce my topic. I want …

The Best Way to Living Green

The number one way to save the environment and your bank account is to change the way you use energy. All it takes is to set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer to save money on the heating and cooling bill. By installing compact fluorescent light bulbs you can save energy. Also, try using a drying rack to save the energy that would otherwise be with a drying machine.

The Best Way to Living Green

Believe it or not, saving water equals living green and it can lower the amount you spend monthly as well. Although it is hard to do early in the morning or on a cold winter day, try to take shorter showers to reduce water use. Installing a low-flow shower head can reduce your water and energy bill. Also, make sure you have a faucet aerator on each faucet as it …