Environmentally Friendly Solar Aircraft Technology that Revolutionizes Conducting Flight Tests
Environmentally Friendly Solar Aircraft Technology that Revolutionizes Conducting Flight Tests

In 2018 history was made when Bertrand Piccard made the first non-stop trip around the world with a hot air balloon. Eleven years later; Piccard makes history again as the Founder of the Environmentally Friendly Solar Impulse; which is a Swiss-led solar-powered aircraft development project. The recently launched Solar Impulse carbon-fiber aircraft has officially been ushered into a new Green era that is fully sophisticated from solar power technology. Energy-saving Solar Impulse aircraft triumphantly glides to the Payerne airfield in Switzerland; making it the first aircraft to complete a 24-hour non-stop flight; only driven by the natural power of sunlight.

An Environmental Friendly Solar Impulse Flight Test

CEO and pilot Andre Borschberg conducted an Environmental Friendly Solar Impulse flight test; practicing the advanced energy-saving solar technology that he, Piccard, and their team developed. Advanced technology designed to be the Green Solar Impulse aircraft needed to not only utilize and convert …

How To Attract Eco-Friendly Consumers By Promoting Easy-To-Read Product Labels
How To Attract Eco-Friendly Consumers By Promoting Easy-To-Read Product Labels

If you want to attract more environmentally friendly consumers online and in retail, consider how you market your product by reviewing your product label. Green buyers look for product labels and easy-to-read mini brochures attached to the label, especially if you enter long words that are difficult to understand. Companies that sell products containing long words on their product labels, who write their labels in small print and use dark-colored labels; must consider the following if they want to attract consumers from various education groups and ages.

Consider Your Target Consumer Group

Can school-age children read and understand the words in your product description? Are you targeting buyers from different age groups and educational backgrounds? Not everyone can understand scientific words. If you put up a mini brochure that explains in simple language what these ingredients mean and how they can benefit your consumers; You can promote your product while …