Features To Look For In A Greener Home

Green homes are built with energy efficiency and sustainability in mind. These homes can last longer and require less upkeep over time, saving you money on your utility bills and reducing your carbon footprint. Green homes may also use renewable resources to build them, such as recycled materials and eco-friendly building products like bamboo flooring or vinyl siding. A green home will be the most environmentally friendly option for anyone looking to live lightly on our planet without sacrificing comfort or style.

Energy efficiency

You may think that a greener home is one that uses renewable energy sources, but this isn’t necessarily true. Energy efficiency means using less energy–and reducing your carbon footprint by cutting down on fossil fuel consumption.

The benefits of using less energy include lower bills and a smaller environmental impact. If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, the most effective way is by reducing how …

The Benefits of Green Building

Building green is a growing trend in the construction industry, and more and more people are choosing to build green because it’s better for the environment. Green building has many benefits that can help both your wallet and the planet:

Green building can help lower energy costs and save money.

Green building can help lower energy costs and save money. It’s a fact that green buildings use less energy, water, and materials than non-green buildings. Green buildings also insulate better to keep heat in during winter months and cool air out during summers. This means that you will be able to enjoy your home without having to worry about paying high bills each month!

Green buildings use less water than regular buildings, which helps reduce flooding and conserve water resources.

A green building uses less water than a conventional building. This is because it can do the following:

  • Reduce the

List Of Eco Friendly Clothing Materials

When it comes to buying clothing, many people focus on how the item will look or fit. However, there are other factors that are just as important: sustainability and the environment. This is why we’ve created this list of eco friendly clothing materials and fabrics. We hope that you find it useful when shopping for clothes!


Wool is a natural fiber that is biodegradable and can be recycled. Wool is an eco friendly material because it doesn’t require chemicals to grow and has a low impact on the environment. It’s also sustainable, renewable and biodegradable.

Wool comes from sheep who are shorn every year so they don’t need any extra food or water to grow their wool coats. When you buy wool clothing, you’re not only buying something fashionable; but you’re also helping support farmers around the world!

Organic Cotton

Organic cotton is grown without pesticides, so it’s good …

Old Furniture Painted Green For A New Chic Look

The addition of a bold, bright color can add instant style to any room. Whether you have an old armoire or dresser that you want to update, painting the piece is a quick and easy way to give it new life. This project will take just one day from start to finish, so grab your paintbrush and let’s get started!

What You’ll Need

  • Paint. You’ll need at least one can of paint, but you may want to buy two or three if you’re planning on doing more than one piece of furniture.
  • Paint brushes. You’ll need a few different sizes and shapes, depending on what kind of job you’re doing (trim work requires smaller brushes). If possible, choose natural-bristle brushes; they hold up better over time than synthetic ones do and are easier to clean up after use.
  • Painter’s tape. This is optional but highly recommended–it will make your life

Green Bedroom Furniture Can Save Mother Earth

If you’re looking for new furniture, you’ll want to think about how eco-friendly your choices are. Not only will they save money and the environment, but they can also help improve your health! Here are five ways that green bedroom furniture can benefit both you and Mother Earth.

Green Bedroom Furniture

Green bedroom furniture is good for the environment and your health. It’s also better for your wallet and makes it easier to find stylish pieces that fit into any room.

The Green Bedroom Furniture Movement

Green bedroom furniture is an important part of the green movement because it helps reduce waste, conserve resources and protect the environment from harmful chemicals. If you have children or pets in your home, eco-friendly options are even more important to consider since they can affect their health and safety when exposed to toxic materials from regular furniture materials like vinyl or leather upholstery. …