List Of Eco Friendly Clothing Materials

When it comes to buying clothing, many people focus on how the item will look or fit. However, there are other factors that are just as important: sustainability and the environment. This is why we’ve created this list of eco friendly clothing materials and fabrics. We hope that you find it useful when shopping for clothes!


Wool is a natural fiber that is biodegradable and can be recycled. Wool is an eco friendly material because it doesn’t require chemicals to grow and has a low impact on the environment. It’s also sustainable, renewable and biodegradable.

Wool comes from sheep who are shorn every year so they don’t need any extra food or water to grow their wool coats. When you buy wool clothing, you’re not only buying something fashionable; but you’re also helping support farmers around the world!

Organic Cotton

Organic cotton is grown without pesticides, so it’s good …