Five Best Innovations With Recycled Plastic

The world of recycling is changing. While you may not have heard of some of these innovations, they’re changing the way we think about plastic and how we can save it from the landfill.

Plastic bags

  • Plastic bags are made from recycled plastic.
  • Plastic bags are used for a variety of purposes, including lining trash cans and carrying things around in your purse.
  • Plastic bags are made from a variety of different types of plastic, including PET, HDPE and LDPE to name just a few!
  • Recycled bottles and jars are often used as the raw materials for making new plastic bags!

Recycled plastic shoes

Recycled plastic shoes are a great way to add a little style to your wardrobe while helping the environment. These shoes are made from post-consumer plastics, including polypropylene and polyethylene; they’re durable, comfortable and stylish. The recycled plastic used in these shoes makes them waterproof as …