A Guide to Using Green Product Natural Degreasers for Auto Detailing

Most cleaning professionals prefer to use a natural degreaser or other cleaning solution for auto detailing over toxic commercial detergents, irrespective of the cleaning machine they use. Detailers may use carpet cleaners, pressure washers, or even steam cleaners for auto detailing, the power of which can be enhanced through the addition of a cleaning solution. Let’s examine the options available.

How Cleaning Solutions Work

The job of a cleaning solution is to enhance the cleaning power of the machine to effectively eliminate several different stains and dirt. These solutions weaken or break the bond between dirt and the surface to be cleaned. The stronger the cleaning chemical, the greater chance that this bond will be broken. The weaker the bond between impurities and surface, the easier it is for the cleaning machines to remove all residues. However, potent chemicals can have drawbacks.

The Need for Green Chemicals

There are two types of cleaning chemicals: artificial detergents and green chemicals. Artificial detergents are chemically synthesized products, which have been popular until a few decades ago. Their cleaning efficiency and ease of use attracted many unsuspecting customers. However, scientific studies have revealed that these artificial chemicals leave toxic residues on the surfaces. In other words, many of these products leave behind more toxic substances than they remove. Besides, they are not readily biodegradable. When washed away, the environment may be damaged as well.

The findings of these scientific studies set the stage for the arrival of green chemicals. There are many kinds …