Quality wooden furniture can be really expensive and you may not be able to afford it, although you have strong desires to own some. In such a situation it is best to buy recycled wood furniture, which will cost you less and will offer better quality and longevity than the new wood furniture.

Recycling wooden furniture is a part of the ecological process that uses the dumped materials, which are collected as wastes and then converts them to their original or artificial state. Recycling these materials reduces the negative impact on the environment and at the same time, it helps to reduce the overall cost of the furniture. This means that both you and the environment are positively benefited.
Buying recycled wood furniture
When you buy the recycled wood furniture, you need to consider a few things which are vital in understanding the quality of the product as well as in evaluating its value. Check properly whether the furniture includes the certificate of the Forest Stewardship Council, which will indicate that the manufacturer of this furniture contributes to this wonderful cause and is part of this council.
In the market of reused furniture, look for items that are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, which has developed even standards for forest administration and promotes the world’s forest to the people of the world. The Forest Stewardship Council is an internationally acclaimed recognition in forest management that is in demand for the restoration of the eco friendly products. It prevents cutting down of forests and other natural habitat, prevents the practice of harmful chemicals, checks the development of the hereditarily adapted trees, abides by the World Trade Organization regulations, brings in a balance in the ecological system and lastly it compliments the privileges of the native peoples.
Few other reliable certification standards includes the Rainforest Alliance that produces the Smart wood label, the Green Seal certification or the Green Seal label and the Scientific Certification Systems or the SCS label really keeps a measure of the standard of the different varieties of recycled wood furniture.
Until and unless the hardwood trees like teak, fir, mahogany, redwood, douglas and western cedar is certified by any one of the above mentioned organization, which secures the quality and standards of these woods and trees, you should not buy the recycled wood furniture as they may come from extremely rare old-growth forests.
You should be looking for the furniture that are made of recycled woods and are collected from old construction of buildings, dumped furniture or antique items. The use of such woods saves millions of dumped woods from wastage and also a good amount of money which would have been spent behind new wood constructions. The recycled wood furniture is safe to be used as they do not involve the practice of any pesticides or harmful chemicals and keeps the environment and your home, pollution free.